Those of you who have been reading for awhile know that I occasionally post a list called life lessons, which explores the various lessons and experiences that come with growing up. Or at least growing older and spending time in this temporary dwelling we call earthly life. I believe that having a sense of humor, an attitude of contentment, an appreciation for the simple and even formulaic, and a centering of the soul that is in fellowship with Christ is essential to my life and even happiness. I realized that I haven't published a l.l. (lifelessons) list since last August. I think it's high time it's updated. What do you think?
l/l, 2008 and counting...
1. Life is too short to eat burned popcorn
2. Convertibles are sexy... until you get to your destination (take a scarf)
3. Never trust puppies
4. Take the stairs!
5. Take care of your feet
6. Call your grandmother with your free weekend and night minutes
7. Only have chocolate cake if it's really, really, really good
8. It's ok to have chocolate cake for lunch once in awhile, but only if it's really, really, really good.
9. Don't be "that person" at the beach...
10. If you find yourself saying "But I shouldn't feel that way," use it as an opportunity to clarify and consider why you feel the way you do
11. If you are going out to the grocery store, at least put on some lipstick and mascara. At least.
12. Talk to God every day
13. Take a walk for no reason other than the fact that you can
14. Find a great coffee shop (or two), a great restaurant, and a few places of business and become a regular
15. People treat you differently when you have curly hair
16. Write real, paper letters to send to people you care about
17. Keep a pocket calendar and use it to write down thoughts and/or good ideas
18. Rushing doesn't really get you there any faster
19. Emails should always be eloquent and proper
20. If you think your clothes are too wrinkled to wear, they probably are
21. If you wear a pleated skirt to work, take a pair of jeans with you in case the day becomes windy
22. Go organic if possible
23. Horses know when you are crying
24. If you have the opportunity to read your Bible in a public place, take a moment and thank God that you are an American
25. Pink bicycles: there are some things even thieves won't do
26. There's a fine line between being "green" and being a loser... don't skimp on the essentials
27. If you go shopping and you buy something small, save a plastic tree and carry it out, sans bag
28. If the opportunity arises that allows you to be where you love, do what you love, or be with the one you love but comes at considerable (non-monetary) costs, consider it carefully. You may learn more than you think.
29. Really, really great dinners are made of balsamic vinegar and olive oil, fresh chicken and vegetables, and strawberries with homemade whipped cream
30. Share the roses...
LifeLessons, AKA the blonde's philosophy on life.
Labels: TheBlondePhilosophy 0 commentsPosted by Chelsea at 11:28 AM
April 12
For those of you who pay attention to the time that I post, yes, it is indeed after midnight. I know it's actually Sunday, then, but I would like to think that it is still saturday and I'm merely extending the weekend. I know it has been awhile since I have blogged, and I wish that I could "catch up" on the news since the last post, but instead I think I'll just start with whatever is on my mind today. Have I told you that some things have changed in my life? For starters, I took a different position at my office, one that combines my account job with the receptionist position. I like to think that it's an accounts manager who answers phones, rather than the other way around. And I really, really like it! I love meeting new people who come into the office and being in the center of what is going on. My days go by quickly because I stay busy and focused, and somehow do both of the jobs.
So today was busy! I am planting a garden in my little back yard. Complete with strawberry plants, blooming annuals, and African violets. And cafe lights. Not quite sure how I'm going to pull that off yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out tomorrow. I also installed two new shelves in my hall closet to get some of the heavy and rarely used items off of the floor. Tomorrow I have a few things to do but plan to go out to the barn and also go by to see my parents.
Tonight I ran from my house to Howard Avenue. One of the great things about South Tampa is that you can run along the water, and the bay breeze mingles with jasmine plants flowering by the mansions and the sprinklers make the grass smell so fresh. It is much more invigorating and energizing than running at the gym. Of course sometimes I go over to Davis Island, which is also great, but I have to stop for traffic quite a bit crossing the streets. The other night I almost got hit by a car driving into Tampa General Hospital. The irony was not lost.
As always, somehow and somewhere, God teaches me something (or rather shows me where and what He wants me to seek to learn). Currently I believe that it is the difference between driven people and called people. Gordon MacDonald goes over the difference in Ordering Your Private World (f/k/a OPW). Now that I have this gem (Thank you, my sweet D., for finding it for me) I will be reading through the section Caught in a Golden Cage; MacDonald intricately and intimately describes the acute differences between called people and driven people. In our 24/7 world, the difference can be soulfully fatal; driven people often fail to be the witness to the lost that called people just seem to do naturally and gently. More tomorrow. (If I'm not knee deep in dirt and mulch, that is).
Posted by Chelsea at 10:04 PM