Dad went to the ankle doctor today, and the doctor says he can loosen the boot once in awhile! This is great news, because that pesky boot has been so uncomfortable for him. It probably doesn't help that he tried to do yard work last weekend, and maybe got some sawdust in it... hmmm....
Unfortunately, the ankle break is such that he may have to wear it another 6 weeks. Initially, the boot and crutches were supposed to be used for 6 weeks total, but as we all know science isn't perfect and our bodies all heal at different paces.
No further news on the Other Obstacle, but I assure you I will keep you all updated, even if it is through the email... I may not post every detail here, as I am sure you understand. Thank you for your prayers and notes of encouragement. I took my laptop over to the living room tonight and read him the latest support emails. They really mean a lot to us all, but especially my dad.
Chelsea & Co.
(Notes of encouragement, kudos, "We're praying for you! notes to Mike, send to
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