My friends came up with something called chelseawords because I make up words randomly. After I explain what I meant to say, it is added to the chelsea.dictionary.
"I didn't call even though I said I would because I thought you might be washing your hair."
"I would have put gas in the car but I didn't know if you preferred regular or premium."
Accidentally inducing guilt. May come across as manipulative, but isn't.
Like a bear hug, but doesn't squeeze you to death.
Textual Harassment:
btw, @ .5 ea., culd b a prblm.
What happens when you stay in bed to do your deep thinking.
Road Grace:
Let it go. He didn't mean to cut you off. Ok, he did, but still let it go.
Protecting the innocent... and guilty.
Overhearing the cell conversation by the woman sharing intimate details about her relationship/health problems/headache.
See also: Fishbowl Syndrome that causes one to be completely unaware of his/her surroundings.
("And then I was like, No he DIDN'T! And then she was like, "Oh yes he DID!")
A spouse-type-mental check-off.
"When he heard me say I make a mean Pop-Tart, I saw his eyes go all CheckMate on me."
SameSox Marriage:
Laundry sorting.
Pot roast, macaroni and cheese, pizza, bacon, black coffee, Pop-Tarts, Cap'n Crunch, steak, potatoes (mashed), potatoes (home-fried), potatoes (baked), potatoes (fries), potatoes (au-gratin), potatoes...
Chicken. Salad. Peppermint mocha lattes.
Running into Target to "get something quick" and then getting distracted and finding a sale and stumbling into the makeup section and remembering that your towels are starting to look tattered and how are we on Tide? Oh yeah and paper towels and trash bags andddd SHOES!!!!
Hi Chelsea! Thanks for the comment on my new blog and, okay~ your blog is hysterical. You are officially going to be my medicine after a long day. Is it weird that I like all of the manfoods except black coffee? UGH.
You live in Tampa! Me, too....grew up here, went away for awhile, and now I'm back.
Will be in touch! Amy
Very funny! And... my husband eats the heck out of pop tarts! LOL :D ~m
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