Why Regent University?

Regent University offered a unique perspective in undergraduate studies. Christ-centered leadership and biblically centered classes develop students professionally and personally. The campus is beautiful, and I soon found that my professors and my fellow students exuded enthusiasm and dedication to the Lord and their educational pursuits. Classmates prayed with me and for me; studying became a group effort towards excellence and not just another homework assignment.

Why Online Learning?

I was 21 when I started the online learning program at Regent University. I had the opportunity to dual-enroll in a local college while in high school, so my associates degree was partially complete when I graduated in 2002. I hit the ground running by working full time after graduating from high school, attending night classes to finish my associates degree. I guess I got used to the schedule, and when it came time to find a university to transfer to, I knew I'd want a flexible format that would allow me to continue in my professional endeavors.

Why A Business Degree?

My degree is in Organizational Leadership and Management. I chose this concentration because of the unique mix of business strategy and leadership development. In choosing a degree program I wanted one that would emphasize the "people" part of organizations and their strategic development. Some degree programs focus primarily on the financial and strategic side of business development, but Regent stressed the importance of the organization's people and the effectiveness of biblical leadership.

Business Degree


Today I felt just "so busy" that I wasn't going to be able to have my quiet time with the Lord. But I soon found that trying to forgo this is becoming increasingly difficult. I simply miss having my "Gandhi's wheel," as Gordon MacDonald calls it. Last night I wrote three pages in my journal, including all of the beautiful things that God is revealing to me, through His word, through other people, and through the observations that I'm now seeing through different eyes. Boa says that "In many cases the only time they confront these questions [about life] is when they are faced with tragedy and loss, and even then the window of vulnerability is open for a brief duration." (Boa, "Conformed to His Image). I'm trying to use this window of vulnerability (isn't that beautiful?) to grow, and perhaps one day I can look out this window and see the Lord's will.

The word "wisdom" keeps coming up in my studies, wether it is the texts for school, the Bible, or the things I happen to read and bump in to. I think that the Lord is trying to tell me to develop wisdom through asking him for it, and through learning from experiences. The MacDonald book (Ordering your private world) has been reminding me that I may appear to be ready for some challenges, but if I don't use my time wisely, I may come to a challenge that I'm not prepared for, because I didn't prepare when the time was available. So in preparation for whatever it is that God has in store for me, I'm learning to study His ways and His word. And do you know what yesterday's verse was? "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid." (Proverbs 12:1). I was like, "ok, God, I'm listening now."

Tonight I'm sitting at my favorite window at Starbucks, enjoying the fantastic lightning show outside and reading in my Bible and Boa text. I'm feeling rather inspired by his story of Eric Liddel, the runner from Chariots of Fire. Eric was blessed to be a fantastic athlete, and acknowledged that he felt God's pleasure by running. Boa says that "A developing awareness of your divinely ordained purpose should impinge on every facet of your life and spiritualize the whole of your existence... Your calling and purpose are expressed and reinforced in an intentional rule of life. To embrace a rule of living is to seek positive guidelines of behavior that will assist you in fulfilling God's purposes." (Conformed to His Image). I'm wondering what sort of rules I should be applying to my life right now; I guess if I knew my calling this might be easier. For example, if I was a runner, which I'm not, (see below) I would know that daily running exercises should be a priority of the utmost importance. But I don't know what my calling is. I'm not really sure what my gifts are, that I should be honing and cultivating.