You all have probably seen these at your doctor's office. They are helpful to the staff and other doctors because they signal what is going on in that room and how long they can expect to be waiting, or what is needed to assist with the procedure. Essentially, they are status flags that communicate something important.
So lately I've been thinking about getting a couple of roommates and getting a house over here in South Tampa instead of a 1 bedroom apartment. I've never had roommates before, mostly because I like my own space. So I've invented something to help ease everyone into this living arrangement. Enter my brainchild, the RuMMate (R).
The RuMMate (R) helps solve your housemate problems by clearly indicating your status at any given time. It will be easy to install outside of each bedroom door. Your housemates may not have checked your Facebook status recently and may erroneously guess your mood or status, causing awkward moments and uninvited intrusions. It would be available in the following editions:
RuMMate(R) SiMPLE (for Men):
Three flags:
Red (busy/not alone)
Green (come on in)
Yellow (You can come in, but make it quick)
RuMMate(R) DeLUX (for Women):
Eight flags:
Green: Come in/ let's chat/ I'm available/ I'm dressed
Orange: I'm craving some peace and quiet/I'm hungry and/or uncaffeinated/tread lightly and please don't ask me to do anything that requires leaving my room/chocolate might be a good idea
Black: Bad mood/stay away/come back later
White: Naked/not presentable
Red: Slightly emotional/crying/suffering
Lt. Blue: Resting/Happily napping or in bed for the night. (Quiet, please)
Yellow: I'm here and available if you need me/I've got time to chat and laugh/ I've got time to listen
Dk. Blue: Not here/making a Starbucks run
So what do you think? If you had one of these, would you use it? What would your flags say or indicate?
I love that the Delux has 8 options for women~ hahaha totally cracked me up! =)
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