I thought the weekends were supposed to be a time to relax! Not so, apparently. Perhaps I could have if I had not been so busy this week. Wednesday I had a friend over for dinner, Thursday I went to a meeting regarding support for Lew Sterrett, from Sermon on the Mount ministries, and last night (Friday) I went to dinner with a couple of friends. While we were waiting for our male counterpart, my friend and I skipped over to the mall to "sample" the beauty products before we went out for the evening! It's a great way to try out that perfume that I love that is, sadly, $110.00 a bottle. We enjoyed some great sushi and live music at Bay Street. I have a party to go to tonight, for which I am very excited about, for an old family friend.
But being a full time student, I had to pass up a boat ride this afternoon in lieu of studying. Sigh. I have a project due on C.S. Lewis later. As one of my favorite writers, this shouldn't be that difficult. Except that the project is a huge chunk of my grade, and I'm a little nervous that it won't be a good as I would like it to be.
Currently I'm at Starbucks, and I'm dressed for the party tonight so people are wondering if I really get this dressed up to study.
I've been keeping a journal, albeit sporadically, about this new spiritual sabbattical that I am experiencing. I see now why a journal is so useful and is a tool in examining the spiritual life. Following the reading of the book, "Ordering Your Private Word" by Gordon MacDonald, I started keeping a journal. I see now that I have not listed an entry in my little Moleskine journal in a week. So you see that the journal is a bit of of a tally marker, not because God or I keep a record, per se, but it reminded me that I've skipped a couple of days this week in my quiet time.
Tomorrow is Sunday, and perhaps I shall have more time to write.
Saturday but busy.
Posted by Chelsea at 12:18 PM
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